When you are spending a lot of your hard earned cash on an extension, picking a builder to trust is hard to find. I found Kenny and Jim called a spade a spade, but they were excellent builders with a fantastic team around them. Their sons Richard and Grieg have learned a lot from their fathers with quality work throughout. They use a roofer/roughcaster called Darren, and his work was exceptional and is probably one of the best quality tradesmen I have ever come across.
My build was large, removing the full corner of the building, with a lot of complex steel work in the extension; but whatever they come up against was fixed to a very high standard. They also completed my composite deck and mono-blocking.
I was really worried about my build and paying money out, getting left in the lurch, and having to pay out to get another builder in. I shouldn’t of worried, they took a deposit and only asked for payments after they did stages of the work, I felt that this showed great trust.
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